My name is Lærke,
and I create under the name Mama Tjutju.


I started playing the piano when I was very little. Since then everything that happens within and around me comes out there. The piano always brings me Home. I was never able to catch on to reading notes, even though I tried. But I still kept playing. Playing from emotion and thoughts rather than notes and chords. This continues to teach me about surrender and trust. It really seems to me, that without a script, there aren’t really any wrong keys. If a key pops in, that sounds a bit ‘off‘, it just takes the flow in a different direction. It creates a complete shift in the melody and there we go - I am not leading anymore.


With my voice I find my way to what matters. To me. Many of my recordings are born out of the spontaneity of the voice in a particular moment. It’s an intentional approach - an attempt to surrender into the flow of the moment, and through that, the voice becomes an instrument in and off itself, to express and reflect something that’s alive on the inside. It opens, goes unexpected places, finds playfulness and sometimes it breaks. I don’t cut out these moments, as you’ll hear in the most of the music. Just as we have come to celebrate unprocessed food, as we come to understand how it provides us with so many more nutrients for our bodies - I wan’t to encourage that we also learn to celebrate unprocessed music. I know for sure that it provides a complex array of nutrients for our soul.


The writing is similarly an expression of spontaneity and flow. By casting away predicted parameters of what constitutes a lyric, a poem, a slam, rhymes come naturally and in a free-flowing stream-of-conciousness form. It’s like the words really want to find each other in rhyming pairs! Music and words have a way of finding each other as well. Sometimes the music comes first, and the words seem to flow out from the music. Other times the words pour out first, and music just can’t help itself but to come and join the party. Either way it’s a process of gently weaving together different fabrics. So I thought I would put some words here on the website for you to dive into as well.